The Town Council agrees, during its annual budgeting process, whether to make provision in its budget for a sum to be used for Grant purposes to support organisations based within or which directly benefit the Town of North Hykeham and its residents. These Grants arise out of the powers available to the Council under its General Power of Competence.
The use of such a Grant should benefit communities in the Town of North Hykeham by supporting organisations and projects which help to improve safety, recreation, education, community pride, sports, charitable assistance, art and culture, promote the Town in a positive way, or improve the environment of North Hykeham and its surrounding areas.
Applications for a Community Grant will be considered from:
• A Registered Charity operating in the North Hykeham area;
• A non-profit making organisation with charitable aims, voluntary groups, societies and clubs operating in the North Hykeham area;
• In very exceptional circumstances, Individuals requesting grant aid with a project/event, that will be for the benefit of the local community may be considered;
• A North Hykeham based club/association/charity/sports club serving a specific section of the community or the community as a whole.
Applications will not be considered from:
• Individuals or for projects which benefit single individuals;
• A political party, nor any individual or organisation intending to support or oppose any particular political party;
• Organisations with significant unrestricted reserves;
• For-profit Commercial organisations;
• National appeals are, with limited exceptions, regrettably outside the legal scope of the Council’s
Community Grant policy;
Community Grants will not be awarded for:
• Prize money;
• Commercial activities;
• Activities held outside of the Town’s area unless proven to be of benefit to the Town and/or its residents;
• Projects that improve or benefit privately owned land or property;
• Projects that are a statutory responsibility of other government bodies;
• Projects that simply replace existing facilities with no significant improvement;
• Projects that have already been completed or will have been completed by the time the Grant is issued;
• Support for private business projects;
• Running/operatingcosts or other such ongoingexpenditure
Application Procedure
• All applications must be submitted on the Council’s Community Grant application form, and submitted to the Town Clerk;
• Applications must also be accompanied with:
- Latest accounts, preferably audited;
- A copy of an adopted constitution with details of aims and purposes of the applicant, and membership rules;
- Registered charity details, if applicable.
• New groups with no accounts available must provide a copy of a Business Plan stating aims and objectives, along with a financial projection for at least the current financial year;
Applications should include details about:
- How the project/activity will benefit the community;
- Any other funding application requests that have been submitted for the project, whether a decision has or has not yet been received;
- Any other fundraising proposals.
• Applicants must:
- Be either non-profit making or charitable;
- Have a bank account in the name of the project or organisation, with two authorised representatives required to sign each cheque;
- Make no more than one application for a Grant in a financial year.
The Community Committee will consider applications quarterly to allow for fair and proper consideration to all requests. On this basis, the deadlines for receipt of applications are:
• 28th February (for determination in March)
• 31st May (for determination in June)
• 31st August (for determination in September)
• 30th November (for determination in December)
Awarding of Grants
The Community Committee will consider all applications and Applicants will be asked to attend a Community Committee meeting to discuss their project, prior to the committee making a decision on the application. Initially, the Committee will assess the application based on the following criteria:
• Being a Registered Charity will considerably aid an application;
• General eligibility;
• Impact on key local need;
• Community Support;
• Value for money;
• Environmental impact;
• Community involvement;
• Feasibility;
• Likely effectiveness.
Each application will be assessed on its own merits and the committee may take into account the amount and frequency of any previous awards. The Community Committee reserves the right to make a partial award, rather than a full award of the application, and may also agree to award a Grant that is subject to additional conditions and requirements. The Committee’s decision regarding applications is final and the Council will not enter into correspondence concerning the assessment of the application.
The awarding of all Grants will be made with the following conditions:
North Hykeham Town Council support must be acknowledged, as appropriate, on all publicity and promotional material including posters, advertisements, press releases and leaflets;
The Town Council reserves the right to promote the awarding of all Grants, as appropriate;
Financial support can only be used for the purpose for which the Community Grant is given, and as such, the Town Council considers the grant to be registered as “Restricted Funding”. Failure to adhere to this condition could lead to the cancellation or reduction in the value of the grant;
Grants must be used within 12 months of the date of the Grant payment;
Grants will only be awarded for forthcoming projects – not retrospectively.
Applicants will be notified in writing of the outcome of their application. If successful, applicants will also receive an acceptance form and the conditions of funding. The acceptance form must be signed and return it to the Town Council. In certain circumstances, the Town Council may ask you to meet other conditions before issuing your grant. When your project is finished, the Town Council may ask you to provide copies of invoices related to the project.
Data Sharing
In signing the application form, your organisation gives permission for the Town Council to use information that you provide for:
Establishing the organisations entitlement to a grant;
Inclusion on the Council’s computer records to administer and analyse applications and grants awarded;
Inclusion on the Council’s website and for use in Council minutes, press articles and other publicity opportunities or publications.