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With the assistance of North Kesteven District Council the Town Cemetery was opened in the autumn of 1998 following consecration by the Bishop of Grantham.
It was felt that the visual impression on arrival was vital and therefore landscaping and building up of the tree and shrub cover took place within the cemetery. The tree planting consisted of Oak and Field Maple with the inclusion of Silver birch due to its’ light foliage and attractive bark to add interest throughout the year. Species of shrubs include Pyracantha, Darts Blanket and Cotoneaster.
The cemetery, situated on Mill Lane (LN6 9PB) merges nicely with the surrounding landscape and the Service Team maintains it to a high standard.
The cemetery policy states that the person to be interred must have been a resident of North Hykeham at the time of passing. Pre-purchase of plots is not permitted.
Charges as of 1st May 2024 (charges are reviewed annually)
Cremated Remains Plot (2’ x 1’ maximum 2 caskets) - £500
Interment of ashes by council staff - £100
Child’s plot (6’ x 3’ up to age 12 years) - No Fee
Child’s plot (8’ x 4’ age 12 years to 18 years) - No Fee
Erect a monument (either a burial plot or cremated remains) - £200
Each additional inscription - £100
It is with regret that North Hykeham Cemetery will not be able to accommodate requests for full (coffin) burials.
Interment of Cremated Remains are still possible options.
The Town Council has had to take this unfortunate step due to safety concerns and to ensure compliance with Environment Agency requirements in relation to cemetery land management.
The Town Council is having to consider ways in which to preserve the long term availability of interment of cremated remains in the cemetery, and how best to manage the use of the land to achieve its aim of providing such a facility to the residents of North Hykeham.